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Spanish or English? Which is more difficult to learn?
This question appears from time to time among my students. Which is more difficult to learn, Spanish or English? Let's start with people...

5 Great Songs for Learning Spanish
Learning languages through song lyrics is a great way to sharpen your ear, and get some vocabulary and grammar under your belt. Best of...

Permiso, disculpa, perdón, lo siento!
Regret is common, and how we acknowledge that regret to others is a separate issue that we all grapple with. Some say without regret you...

100 Most Common Reflexive Verbs In Spanish
aburrirse to get bored acercarse a to get close to acordarse de...

Inclusive Language in Spanish?
In the age of "Me Too" and "Ni Una Menos" it should come as no surprise that our everyday language is affected by these movements. "There...

4 Things Successful Language Learners Do
Notes everywhere. Putting little signs on everything you can at home may not be something your housemates love, but it may be beneficial...

Knowing Spanish in the US, Not Just For Fun
With 41 million native Spanish speakers the US is one of the largest Spanish speaking countries in the world. It goes without saying that...

Nobody ever drops anything in Spanish!
I still remember the first time I heard the verb "to drop" during an English class. "I drop, you drop, she drops", my teacher said while...

5 Interesting Facts About the Spanish Language
1. Before 1994 the Real Academia Española officially had CH and LL as letters in the Spanish alphabet. Many people today still say them...

Is Spanish Faster than English?
“Native speakers talk very fast, I understand less than what I can say”, is what I often hear from my students. As a Spanish teacher, I...

Using Subtitles: Pros and Cons
It doesn’t matter what level you have in Spanish, one of the easiest and enjoyable ways to get exposure to the language is through...

Some English Words Just Don’t Translate!
All the world’s languages are equally rich in the ways that their speakers can fully express themselves. Sometimes expressions or words...

Multi-Word Verbs in Spanish
Multi-word verbs are a combination of mostly two or three words that function together as a verb. There are thousands of them in English....

3 Things Spanish Natives Screw Up
Yes of course, we make mistakes when speaking our own language. So it is expected that you, a Spanish learner, will make mistakes too....

Punctuation Marks in Spanish
English and Spanish punctuation marks are used more or less the same way. There are a few variations, perhaps one of the most significant...

Pros and Cons of an Online Language Exchange Partner
Practicing with a language exchange partner is a great way to help you learn a language. In this article, we will look into the pros and...

How To Maintain Languages You've Already Learned
The saying “use it or lose it” is true for most language learners. We have to continue to work out our language muscles in order to...

Some Spanish Words Just Don’t Translate!
We previously talked in this blog about English words that don’t translate directly into Spanish, or how their direct or literal...

The Best 5 Spanish Learning Podcasts (By Difficulty!)
If you’re studying Spanish, listening is essential to continue growing. Podcasts are a great way to complement your learning. Whether...

Gracias, De Nada, Por Favor, Perdón, Dale!
These words or phrases exist in all languages because universally humans like to show gratitude (thank you), then appreciation for that...
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